
Boost Organic Traffic and Targeted Visitors With These Powerful Tactics10 min read

Ever think back to the days of old, when buying advertising was the only way to get the word out about your website and drive targeted visitors? If so, you know there’s a lot more to success than just relying on paid traffic. Sure, buying ads can boost your results quickly, but without a solid organic traffic strategy in place to ensure long-term success, it’s like building a house on sand.

So what’s the key to attracting and retaining more organic visitors in 2020? Beyond SEO and SEO copywriting techniques, there are plenty of smart strategies you can use to boost organic traffic. In this article, we’ll share some of our best tactics for gaining organic visitors over time—and how you can get started today.

Why Organic Traffic Matters for Long Term Success

Organic traffic is essential for long term success of your website. Paid traffic can give you an immediate boost, but the key to sustainable and continuous growth is to build an organic presence. Organic traffic comes from search engine rankings, so it’s important that your website has quality content and good keyword optimization.

By targeting the right keywords, you can bring in the relevant visitors that will help grow your online presence and followers. Quality content also helps boost your organic rankings and encourages people to link back to your website, bringing in even more quality traffic. Content needs to be written for the right audience and should be updated regularly so that it stays relevant.

Organic traffic affects not only search engine rankings but also provides a more consistent flow of visitors over time. Plus, this type of traffic costs nothing! If you are serious about growing your business or website and reaching more customers, then you should prioritize organic traffic as part of your overall marketing strategy.

On-Page SEO: Optimizing Your Content for Search Engines

It’s not enough to have quality content on your website—you also need to make sure it’s properly optimized for search engines. On-page SEO ensures your content appears high in the organic search results.

This includes making sure you use the right keywords within your content, using proper headline structures, and formatting your content so that it’s easy to read and digest. Additionally, you should optimize your images and videos with relevant keywords to help draw more organic traffic from image search.

The goal is to increase the visibility of each page on your website by making sure it’s properly optimized for both readers and search engines. A great way to ensure this is by using tools like Google Analytics and keyword suggestion tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Moz Keyword Explorer. These will allow you to research what keywords are currently trending in your industry or niche so you can start targeting them in your content right away.

Technical SEO: Ensuring Your Website Is Crawlable and Indexable

Did you know that improving your website’s Technical SEO can boost organic traffic substantially? Technical SEO ensures that search engine crawlers can crawl and index your content, and understand what it’s about.

Using the right combination of technical SEO tactics can help ensure that your content appears on search engine result pages (SERPs) quickly, improving the chances of users discovering it. Here are ways you can improve your website’s technical SEO:

Crawler Accessibility

Make sure that all important pages of your website are accessible to search engine crawlers and are included in the XML sitemap. If certain pages are excluded from crawling, they won’t appear in SERPs.

Page Loading Speed

Optimize page speed of your site by compressing images, using external scripts for content rendering, and leveraging a content delivery network (CDN). This not only improves user experience, but also aids crawling by enabling search engine crawlers to access your website easily.

Optimize URLs

Remove any irrelevant parameters from URLs as they make URLs longer and difficult to crawl—resulting in decreased visibility in SERP rankings or getting completely dropped off from results completely. A clear URL structure gives users and search engines an idea about the page’s content before they open it.

By making sure that all aspects of Technical SEO are taken care of, you’ll be able to ensure that precious organic traffic won’t slip away—so save yourself time, money, and effort by tackling Technical SEO as soon as you can!

Off-Page SEO: Building High-Quality Backlinks to Your Site

Another way to get more organic traffic and targeted visitors to your website is to employ off-page SEO tactics. This is especially important when it comes to building out high-quality backlinks, as these will help boost your domain authority and rankings in the search engines.

The best way to get started with backlinking is by:

  1. Creating high-quality content that people will want to link back to
  2. Promoting your content through industry forums, social media, and other outlets
  3. Joining online communities and networking with industry influencers
  4. Submitting your content for guest blog posts on relevant websites & blogs, which will help you build natural backlinks
  5. Sharing other people’s content and linking back to them whenever possible. This shows that you are an active member in the community, which encourages them to share your content in return.
  6. Generating awareness of your brand by attending industry events and conferences
  7. Taking advantage of press coverage opportunities that can generate even more natural backlinks

All these tactics combined can help create a strong presence for you and your website on the internet, thus resulting in more organic traffic and targeted visitors over time!

Leveraging Long-Tail Keywords to Drive Targeted Traffic

When it comes to being found in search engines, one of the most effective ways to increase organic traffic is by leveraging long-tail keywords. By focusing on longer, more specific phrases, you can attract a much more targeted audience that is likely to already be looking for your business or services.

Long-tail keywords are more specific than the regular head terms people would normally use to search for a product or service. They are typically 4 or more words and are often called “conversational phrases” because they are commonly used in everyday conversations. For example, instead of just using “pizza,” a long-tail version could be something like “gluten-free Italian delivery pizza.” These more specific phrases tend to have less competition, so you’ll have a better chance of ranking higher for them and driving targeted traffic.

If you’re looking to leverage long-tail keywords to boost organic traffic and targeted visitors, here are some tips:

  • Conduct keyword research to find relevant phrases that pertain specifically to your niche
  • Incorporate these phrases into your content, including blog posts and landing pages
  • Optimize image file names and alt tags with relevant long-tail keywords
  • Take advantage of the FAQ page schema markup on your website
  • Include relevant long-tail keywords in internal linking strategies

By taking the time to leverage long-tail keywords with your content and SEO strategy, you can get ahead of competitors and drive relevant visitors directly to your website.

Run an Effective Content Marketing Campaign

If you want to boost organic traffic and attract the right kind of website visitors, a content marketing plan is essential. Content marketing is an effective way to drive organic traffic to your website because it helps you achieve multiple goals.

Create Engaging Content

Content creates an ongoing conversation with your website or blog visitors. You can create articles, ebooks, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more to engage users in interesting topics related to your brand. Not only will it attract organic traffic but help you build relationships with customers over time.

Target Long-Tail Keywords

When it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), long-tail keywords are the new golden ticket. They are more specific terms than anticipated, and they help search engines better understand the relevancy of a website or page for a certain topic or subject. As a result, targeting long-tail keywords will make your site more visible in search engine results pages (SERPs).

### Promote Your Content

Posting amazing content on your blog or website won’t do much good if no one knows about it. To get the most out of your content marketing strategy, you should promote what you create through other channels like social media and email campaigns. It will help spread the word about your blog posts and draw relevant visitors to your site while providing links back which increases organic traffic further.

These tactics are incredibly powerful if used correctly when crafting a content marketing plan for organic traffic growth and targeted visitors. So don’t forget about them when creating yours!

Use Social Media to Drive Referral Traffic

Another way to boost your website’s organic traffic is to use social media. With billions of active users on the major social networks, you can leverage this platform to attract qualified and targeted visitors.

Posting Consistently

The key to driving referral traffic from social media is to post consistently and use catchy headlines. Make sure each post conveys an interesting message that will encourage people to click through. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of content such as videos, images, and GIFs in your posts.

Networking & Engagement

An important part of developing a strong presence on social media is networking and engagement. Find out who the biggest influencers are in your niche and try to establish relationships with them by bringing value first—maybe offering content ideas or actionable advice on how they could increase their own organic traffic. Participating in conversations helps increase brand awareness and visibility too.

By leveraging smart tactics such as consistent posting, networking, and engagement, you can use social media to drive targeted referral traffic that can lead to long-term success for your website or blog.

Using Analytics to Track and Improve Organic Traffic Sources

Have you ever wondered what’s working and what’s not, when it comes to boosting your organic traffic? Well you’re in luck—today’s analytics tools make it easy to track and measure your website’s performance. By using analytics, you can understand which sources of organic traffic are working best for your website and create campaigns that specifically target those sources.

Google Analytics is a great place to start. With it, you can track visits from search engine results pages (SERPs), including organic search, plus referral links from other websites and social media posts. This data will give you invaluable insights into where visitors are coming from, so you can optimize campaigns accordingly.

Other analytics tools you might use include:

  • Similarweb – this tool gives you access to analytics on both organic and paid visitors
  • Social networking analysis – to monitor the success of campaigns on social media sites
  • SEO analysis – to measure performance of specific keyword phrases
  • Webmaster tools – to measure crawl rate, latency and other key SEO metrics

Having access to this powerful data means that you can target specifically the sources of organic traffic that are driving the most visitors and conversions for your website—putting control back into your hands so that you’re always optimizing for success.


In the end, it’s clear that organic traffic and targeted visitors are essential for the longevity of your website. With the right tactics and strategies, you can dramatically increase your website’s organic traffic and inject targeted visitors that are engaged with your content and more likely to be interested in your products or services.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to develop and implement a comprehensive organic traffic strategy that will help get your website the attention it deserves. With a carefully cultivated organic traffic plan in place, your website will be more attractive to potential visitors and more likely to command a higher ranking in search engine results.


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