
Cheapest to Most Expensive Web Designers: 2024 Guide23 min read

Finding the right web designer is key, but figuring out how much it costs can be confusing, especially when searching for the cheapest web designer. This guide explains the different price points for web design, from the most affordable options to high-end services, so you can make the best choice for your business.

From newly minted freelancers to seasoned design leagues, the expertise on offer varies almost as much as the price tags. Factors such as experience, portfolio richness, client testimonials, and the breadth of services provided play into the decision. It’s a world where, sometimes, spending less now can cost more later, and extravagant costs don’t always equate to superior quality.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Web Designer

cheapest web designer to the most expensive ones, which one to choose?

When you take your business online, a good web designer can make a huge difference. They not only make your site look great but also ensure it works well, is easy to use, and reflects your brand’s personality. Choosing the right web designer is a big decision, and there are many important things to consider.


Prices vary greatly, from affordable freelance designers to expensive professional agencies. The cheapest options are basic and perfect for startups or small businesses on a tight budget. While they may lack some advanced features, they still provide a professional online presence.

On the other end of the spectrum, design costs skyrocket when opting for a professional web design company specializing in creating bespoke digital experiences. These services not only include the construction of a website but also ongoing maintenance, content management, and potential integration of e-commerce platforms and email marketing tools.

Depending on the complexity and the scope, development costs can amount to thousands of dollars, especially when targeting optimal performance in search engines through Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

For instance, an e-commerce website will require advanced security features, payment integration, and perhaps a dedicated content management system—all of which contribute to an increase in the overall budget.

Experience and Expertise

Both experience and expertise are key indicators of a web designer’s ability to deliver a site that resonates with your brand.

Experienced designers usually have a portfolio showcasing their ability to cater to diverse industry needs, reflecting their suitability for complex projects. Their expertise often extends to understanding user behavior and creating designs that enhance the user experience, a vital factor in retaining visitors and converting them into customers. This includes mobile responsiveness, fast load times, and intuitive navigation—all of which contribute to a website’s success.

Additionally, seasoned designers are likely to be up to date with the latest digital marketing trends and can incorporate various elements that are beneficial for SEO and user engagement.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are a transparent window into the direct experiences clients have had with a particular web designer or agency. Real-world testimonials can shed light on aspects like the designer’s communication skills, ability to meet deadlines, responsiveness to feedback, and overall satisfaction level with the final product.

Positive reviews often correlate with a designer’s reliability and dedication, while a pattern of negative comments may flag potential issues that could also affect your project.

Additional Services Offered

Many web designers and design companies offer additional digital marketing services that can complement and enhance your online strategy.

Choosing a web designer who not only creates a visually appealing and functional site but also provides a full suite of additional services can be a wise investment, as it ensures consistency and quality across all facets of your web presence, potentially saving time and money down the line.

These can range from SEO to ensure your website ranks well on search engines to incorporating additional features like social media integration or providing ongoing maintenance and support. Some may offer development services for specific needs, such as building an e-commerce website or creating a custom content management system.

Furthermore, development services may include the incorporation of advanced features designed to give your online presence a competitive edge, like chatbots, personalized user experience, or database integration.

Cheapest Options

When looking for cost-effective web design solutions, businesses have several routes they can explore. The cheapest options generally include freelance web designers, DIY website builders, and the use of pre-made templates.

These alternatives are particularly appealing for startups, small businesses, or anyone looking to establish an online presence without a hefty investment. While these may represent the most affordable routes, it is important to weigh the trade-offs in terms of customization, scalability, and professional support.

Freelance Web Designers

Freelance web designers offer a budget-friendly yet personalized service. Their lower rates often stem from reduced overhead costs, flexibility, direct client interaction, and a competitive market. Their pricing can vary widely, but many are negotiable and can work within a defined budget, offering basic features and added flexibility. Freelancers are ideal for those who need a custom touch without the associated high costs.

You can connect with freelance web designers through platforms like Carousell, Fiverr, or Upwork. When considering freelance designers, you’ll typically find prices ranging from S$100 to S$1200 for a simple website.

The lower end of this range (S$100 – S$300) is often suitable for simple informational websites. Still, it may not include essential services like domain registration or hosting, which you’ll have to purchase separately or as an add-on. Additionally, these budget-friendly options may lack the design finesse needed to truly engage your visitors, focusing more on simply getting your site online. After-sales support may also be limited or unavailable.

On the higher end (S$800 and above), you’ll find services that include domain registration, hosting, and more robust design options that can help you capture leads and build a stronger online presence. Many of these designers may also incorporate SEO best practices or design elements specifically for Google Ads landing pages, giving you a head start on future marketing efforts.

Let’s dive deeper into the world of freelance web designers on Fiverr, Carousell, and Upwork to determine which platform might be the best fit for your needs. Understanding the unique advantages and drawbacks of each will empower you to make an informed decision:

1. Fiverr

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Fiverr offers a vast network of web designers from around the world, with many based in countries like India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, often providing services at competitive prices. However, the quality of work can vary greatly, and a high volume of reviews or higher price doesn’t always guarantee a successful project.

While Fiverr’s listed prices seem low, they often represent the most basic package, which may not meet your needs. You might end up choosing a higher-priced tier, exceeding your budget. Additionally, after-project support is limited, and revisions might be restricted. These factors can lead to unexpected costs and frustration.

However, Fiverr offers a secure platform for transactions, safeguarding your money when working with international designers. This protection is especially valuable when dealing remotely, minimizing the risk of scams.

Take Note: Discuss your specific requirements and inquire about their experience with similar projects. This allows them to provide a tailored quote beyond their standard gig packages, or they may even indicate if your project is outside their expertise, saving you time and money.

Best For: Fiverr is ideal for specific website tasks like improving website speed, installing e-commerce functions or implementing tailored features. Relying on Fiverr for an entire website project might not be the most efficient approach, given potential limitations in service and support.

2. Carousell

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Carousell offers a platform for connecting with local web designers, often at budget-friendly rates. However, it lacks a formal vetting process for these service providers. To ensure legitimacy, verify if the designer has a UEN business number registered with ACRA in Singapore. This confirms their official status and reduces the risk of scams.

One advantage of Carousell is the flexibility to communicate directly with designers through the platform or via WhatsApp, enabling further discussions through channels like Zoom or in-person meetings to discuss your requirements in detail.

While Carousell also hosts agencies, their prices tend to be lower than larger firms, likely due to reduced overheads or smaller teams. This smaller scale can be advantageous, offering you more personalized attention and potentially higher quality work compared to larger companies.

Best For: Carousell is a suitable option for budget-conscious individuals and small businesses looking for simple to moderately complex websites without breaking the bank.

3. Upwork

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Upwork provides a platform to connect with a vast network of professional web designers from around the globe, including many experienced specialists. While it may not offer the lowest prices compared to other platforms like Carousell or Fiverr, Upwork boasts a rigorous vetting process for its freelancers, ensuring a higher level of quality and reliability.

One advantage of Upwork is its robust project management tools and escrow payment system, which protect both clients and freelancers throughout the project. The platform facilitates seamless communication and collaboration, allowing you to easily track progress, provide feedback, and make secure payments.

Additionally, Upwork offers a diverse range of talent, from individual freelancers to established agencies. This gives you the flexibility to choose the best fit for your project based on your budget and specific needs. Whether you require a simple website or a complex e-commerce platform, Upwork provides access to a wide array of expertise and experience.

Best For: Businesses and individuals seeking professional-grade web design services with a strong emphasis on quality, reliability, and project management, Upwork is a suitable option.

DIY Website Builders

DIY website builders are a staple for the budget-conscious. Services such as Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, Webflow and Shopify offer user-friendly interfaces that allow individuals to create their own websites using drag-and-drop tools.

These platforms often have low monthly fees and provide a range of customizable templates to start with. While offering significant cost savings, DIY builders are limited by the capabilities of the platform and the user’s design expertise. They are best suited for simple websites that require a minimal amount of custom functionality.

Comparison Table:

BuildersPrice RangeNotable Features
Wix$17 – $159/monthDrag-and-drop editor, extensive template library
Squarespace$25 – $72/monthAward-winning designs, integrated marketing tools
Weebly$0 – $26/monthSimple interface, ideal for beginners
Webflow$12 – $36/monthPowerful design tools, suitable for advanced users
Shopify$25 – $2300/monthE-commerce focused, wide range of integrations

1. Wix

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Wix Packages

LightCoreBusinessBusiness Elite
Personal websites, portfolios, blogsSmall businesses, online storesGrowing businesses, e-commerceLarge businesses, advanced needspen_spark
Prices are in USD and on a monthly subscription.

Best For: Wix offers a huge selection of templates, apps, and customization options, making it a good choice for those who want to create a unique website without coding knowledge.

2. Squarespace

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Squarespace Packages

PersonalBusinessBasic CommerceAdvanced Commerce
Personal websites, portfolios, blogsSmall businesses, basic e-commerceGrowing online storesEstablished e-commerce businesses
Prices are in USD and on a monthly subscription. Enjoy up to 36% discount when you choose an annual subscription.

Best For: Squarespace is known for its stunning templates and easy-to-use interface. It’s a great option for those who want a polished website that looks professional without needing to hire a designer.

3. Weebly

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Weebly Packages

Hobby sites, personal projectsSmall personal portfolios or blogsSmall businesses, growing blogsGrowing businesses, online stores
Prices are in USD and based on annual billing. Monthly billing options may be available at a higher cost.


  • Free plan with limited features and Weebly ads
  • Paid plans starting at $6/month and going up to $26/month

Best For: Weebly is known for its ease of use and affordability. It’s a good option for beginners who don’t need a lot of bells and whistles.

4. Webflow

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Prices are in USD and on a monthly subscription. Enjoy up to 22% discount when you choose an annual subscription.

Webflow Packages

Free$18/month$29/month$49/monthCustom Quote
For hobby and staging sitesFor relatively simple, static sitesFor blogs or other content-driven sitesFor larger sitesFor those needing an enterpise-grade solution
Prices are in USD and based on annual billing. Monthly billing options may be available at a higher cost.

Best For: Webflow is best suited for designers and developers who want complete control over their website’s design and functionality, as well as businesses and individuals seeking a highly customizable website with unique features and interactions.

5. Shopify

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Shopify Packages

BasicShopifyAdvancedShopify Plus
New businessesGrowing businessesEstablished businessesHigh-volume businesses, enterprise
All prices are in USD and billed monthly. Enjoy a 25% discount when you choose an annual subscription.

Best For: Shopify is ideal for e-commerce businesses of all sizes who want a comprehensive platform for building and managing their online store, particularly those who prioritize ease of use and a streamlined e-commerce experience.

Ultimately, the best website builder for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. Be sure to try out a few different platforms to see which one you like best.

Pre-Made Templates

Pre-made templates are another avenue to quickly establish an online presence at minimal cost. Marketplaces like ThemeForest and TemplateMonster feature thousands of website templates that cater to a variety of business sectors.

Prices for these templates are usually a one-time fee, significantly less than bespoke design work. The trade-off, however, is that these templates may not be unique to your brand, and customization capabilities can be limited. They are a good starting point for those looking to get up and running quickly but may not be suitable for businesses with highly specific design and functionality requirements.

1. ThemeForest

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A vast marketplace boasting an extensive collection of website templates for various platforms (WordPress, HTML, Shopify, etc.), catering to diverse industries and design preferences. With thousands of options available, it’s a treasure trove for finding affordable and customizable website solutions.

2. TemplateMonster

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A long-standing provider of website templates and themes, offering a curated selection of designs for popular platforms like WordPress and Shopify. While their collection might not be as vast as ThemeForest, they often provide additional services like template customization and installation support.

ThemeForest & TemplateMonster

Price Range:

  • $20 to $200+ per template, depending on complexity and features.


  • Significantly cheaper than hiring a designer or agency.
  • Many templates come with demo content and easy installation.
  • Wide range of templates for various industries and styles.


  • Limited uniqueness (your website may look like others).
  • Customization might require coding knowledge.
  • Limited support from template creators.

Best For: Ideal for budget-conscious individuals, small businesses, those with limited technical skills or time constraints, and projects requiring a specific design aesthetic.

Overall, pre-made templates provide a cost-effective and efficient way to launch a website quickly. While they might lack the uniqueness of custom designs, they offer a solid foundation for those seeking a simple and affordable solution.

Affordable Options

When it comes to building a website on a budget, affordable options are plentiful. These solutions typically come at a lower price point due to a more streamlined offering of basic features, which are often sufficient for many small businesses and personal websites.

As you assess these cost-effective choices, it’s crucial to consider that while initial development costs might be lower, there could be additional costs down the line for upgrades, maintenance, or added functionality.

Budget-Friendly Web Design Companies

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For those willing to invest just a bit more for professional help, various budget-friendly web design companies offer their services at competitive rates.

Many of these companies also provide content management systems (CMS) which enable clients to easily update their websites without additional technical assistance. While generally more costly than the cheapest DIY solutions, these companies still represent a more affordable average cost compared to expensive design agencies.

CompanyPriceKey FeaturesBest For
WebboS$800+Minimalist, value-driven web design with Google ads and advanced SEOStartups and small businesses looking to get their first online through Google ads and SEO
DMAS$1200+Custom design, user-friendly interface, content management system, lead generationStartups and small businesses seeking a unique and engaging website
Awebstar TechnologiesS$1,500+Website design, graphic design, marketing, software developmentBusinesses looking for a multi-faceted agency with diverse services

Take Note: These prices are approximate and can vary depending on the specific needs of your project. It’s recommended to contact the companies directly for a detailed quote.

Basic Functionality Packages

To keep the costs down, many web design services offer basic functionality packages. These typically include a set number of web pages, a handful of stock images, a contact form, and perhaps integration with social media platforms. For example, an entry-level package may consist of:

  • Home page
  • About page
  • Services/product page
  • Contact page
  • Basic SEO optimization

This package focuses on providing the essentials needed to establish a web presence and start ranking on search engines without the bells and whistles of more expensive options.

Mid-Range Options

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Design companies catering to this market segment often provide a higher level of customization than budget-friendly agencies, which can translate to a better reflection of your brand identity and an enhanced user experience for your potential customers.

Typically, mid-range web design services range in price from $3,500 to $10,000, depending on the complexity of the project and any additional features that may be required.

CompanyStarting Price Range (SGD)Key FeaturesBest For
OOm Pte Ltd$3,000+Mobile-first design, e-commerce solutions, digital marketing integration, custom web applicationsBusinesses aiming for a strong online presence with a focus on mobile users and digital marketing
FirstCom Solutions$3,500+Custom design, e-commerce integration, SEO optimization, ongoing supportGrowing businesses needing a comprehensive online presence
Impossible Marketing$4,000+Brand-focused design, content marketing, social media integration, analyticsBusinesses looking to strengthen their brand identity and online visibility

Take Note: These prices are approximate and can vary depending on the specific needs of your project. It’s recommended to contact the companies directly for a detailed quote.

These options are ideal for small to medium-sized businesses looking to grow their online presence without committing to the highest development costs.

Expensive Options

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These expensive options typically cater to large businesses or enterprises with complex website requirements and the need for bespoke functionality. Clients opting for these services can expect to receive a fully customized website with cutting-edge design, advanced features, and an emphasis on achieving the best user experience.

Premium design agencies cater to big brands and corporations, offering comprehensive digital marketing services alongside tailor-made website designs. They prioritize a strategic approach, beginning with extensive market research and competitor analysis to create websites that deliver a substantial return on investment. Their premium services often include sophisticated e-commerce solutions, intricate content management systems (CMS), and seamless integration with existing corporate systems.

Design agencies offering these premium services often bring a multi-disciplinary approach that includes not only web design but also branding strategy and cutting-edge technology implementation. The costs for these premium websites can start well above $20,000 and increase based on the project’s scale and intricacies.

CompanyLocationStarting Price RangeKey FeaturesBest For
VaynerMediaInternational$20,000+Strategic branding, creative campaigns, full-service digital marketing, social media expertiseGlobal brands, high-growth companies
R/GAInternational$20,000+Award-winning design and innovation, digital transformation, marketing campaignsCompanies seeking cutting-edge design and digital experiences
Huge Inc.International$20,000+Full-service digital agency, UX/UI design, branding, content strategy, developmentLarge enterprises and established brands seeking comprehensive solutions

Take Note: These prices are approximate and can vary depending on the specific needs of your project. It’s recommended to contact the companies directly for a detailed quote.

Design Agencies with Premium Services

Design agencies that offer premium services typically work with big brands and corporations, delivering a full spectrum of digital marketing services alongside bespoke website design. These agencies are characterized by their strategic approach, often starting with in-depth market research and competitive analysis to ensure that the website serves as a powerful business tool capable of achieving a significant return on investment.

Premium services commonly provided by top-tier design companies include:

  • Complex e-commerce solutions
  • Intricate content management systems (CMS)
  • Custom integrations with existing corporate systems

Additional Marketing Services

Further extending the reach and effectiveness of a high-end web design, additional marketing services play a crucial role in maximizing a website’s potential. This can include a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that encompasses:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising
  • Social media campaigns
  • Email marketing
  • Content creation and marketing

These services ensure the website not only looks good but also performs well in terms of generating traffic and converting leads. Providing value beyond the launch phase, these marketing solutions often represent ongoing costs, but they are essential for businesses in competitive industries where maintaining online visibility is crucial for success.

Businesses leveraging additional marketing services benefit from:

  • Increased online visibility and brand awareness
  • Higher search engine rankings
  • More engaged traffic and improved conversion rates

Although these services come with added costs, they can significantly impact a business’s bottom line by driving more qualified leads and increasing revenue.


If you’re looking for the most affordable option, Carousell is a good place to start. You can find local designers who are easy to communicate with and understand your specific needs.

If you have a bit more to spend and want a good balance of quality and value, we recommend Webbo. They offer cost-effective website design that’s not only visually appealing but also optimized for Google Ads and SEO.

For medium-range budgets, OOm is a strong contender. They provide quality web design and also help you take advantage of government grants like the PSG Grant to offset your costs.

And if you’re looking for top-tier, premium web design, VaynerMedia is a great choice. They have a stellar global reputation and have worked with big-name brands like PepsiCo, GE, and Unilever.

No matter your budget, there’s a web designer out there who can help you create a website that’s perfect for your business. Happy designing!


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